Who am I anyway…



I’m a ROCKY MOUNTAIN OUTDOOR GIRL who started sewing over 35 years ago…doesn’t seem that long ago till you write it down! I started out like so many others with the dreaded HOME EC class in High School. Sewing was part of the course and that got me hooked, I started altering every item of clothing I owned and my friend’s clothes too. As a music freak, it didn’t take long to realize how much better it was to sew while listening to my favorite tunes. Long story made short… sewing, music, yoga, horses and humor are a part of my everyday life. So again, it didn’t take long to realize that my sewing talents should be shared with others. So far, I have sold over 3300 items to SATISFIED customers all over the world. 

Oh, I do ramble on…did I mention my grandsons? Well there are THREE of them and they are the cutest boys in the world and they own my heart!

This is the boys and us this Halloween (2011). So much fun!

This kin_Mama 

Here are the boys this Halloween (2011) with SCARY G-ma & G-pa, and with G-ma & G-pa. Yes, that’s me & my husband, so much fun!

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This is the boys with us at a pumpkin patch a few years ago.

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This one is me and my big boy TOBY, he is a Tennessee Walker and we are by our family Tipi that we spend many nights in. Our grandsons loves to “CAMP OUT” at grandma & grandpa’s house!

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