We all shine on…some more than others! Be a Lighthouse…



Music that makes you think and feel, reflect on  your own life and the lives of those you love.  John Lennon was and still is an artist who truly had a gift, one that keeps giving.  As we live this life that we are so generously given, it is part of our journey.  Make the most of the time you have, shine while you have the chance.  So many waste the opportunity to shine “…like the moon and the stars and the sun…” until the next phase of their journey. 

Right here, right now is the time to shine, not only for those you love, but for yourself.  That inner glow, that light that draws people to you is so special.  We all have it, we just need to ignite it and let it shine.  Do whatever it takes to let your light shine, hang your freak flag high for all to see.  Have as much fun during this life so that when you leave…it is like a shooting star streaking across the sky in all it’s beauty and awe.

Teach you children to be creative and innovative and to always learn from every experience they have to become a better person.  Give them this spark and their light will guide their life and spill over for others.  Even during difficulty, let your light shine to help you and others to endure.  Don’t be selfish with your light, share it with everyone…even strangers.  You never know when your goodness can make a change for someone else.  The smallest gesture of kindness can have the greatest impact. 

Be that person, be good to yourself, give that light freely and see how much you can impact others. May “We all shine on” forever. Peace and Love, Mama 

Today in ROCK history: 1970 – John Lennon writes and records “Instant Karma (We All Shine On).”

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