Tag Archives: Living

You’re No Good…


In this life, the road we travel should be Beautiful!

In this time of recession, depression, and lack of funding, are we telling our children that they are no good?  Never-ending budget cuts in education would seem to say so.  In times when things are so hard for so many people, budget cuts to education only make matters worse.   Putting more financial responsibility on the families who can not afford it doesn’t make sense.  I’m not speaking for everyone but I could do without flowers and plants in our parks and roadways, this country would still be beautiful.  Perhaps we could stop doing ridiculous studies that do not help the general population, I don’t need a study to know that traffic jams are actually caused by traffic or that wearing clothes will keep you warm.  Stop wasting time and money fighting against marijuana, just increase the tax revenues by legalizing it!  Regardless of controversy, save time and money, just legalize same-sex marriage, those who oppose it can still sit in judgement.

Education is the future of this and every other country.  Why would anyone want to remain a teacher with this kind of attack on their profession, oh yea, I know why – because there aren’t any other jobs available!  The best education and the availability of the arts in school are children’s basic human rights.  If we paid teachers as if they were baby-sitters, they would make more money than they do teaching.  Why would any teacher or prospective future candidates want to stay/go into this profession…why not study that!

In the words of today’s song, we are basically telling the future of our country “You’re No Good” and that is just plain wrong!  Our future depends on them…

The rant is over, have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 1975 – Linda Ronstadt’s “You’re No Good” is #1.

Childhoods revisited


There are many milestones that mark a person’s life, some are happy and some are not.  To realize that we are an amalgam of all of life’s experiences is to embrace that life is not a bowl of cherries.  Life, it turns out is often at its most important when we are letting go.  Sure the good times are special and help in determining who we are…but the difficult time are there to prove who we have become. 

Now I know that everyone handles the good and the bad in different ways.  We are all individuals who help to shape the world around us and make it more interesting.  If we were all to live within our “Strawberry Fields Forever,” we would never get the chance to make the mistakes, the lessons in life that we learn from.  Perhaps we would not be able to love to the fullest because we had not experienced loss.  Would we be able to enjoy the highs if we had not lived through the lows?

Grab hold of all the moments that you have, experience them to the fullest, grow and give of yourself to those you love.  We have such a short time together, experience with an open heart and remember that we are all just human, no one is perfect.  Make sure that you take a firm hold of your life, be in charge of your feelings, and always put yourself in someone elses shoes before you decide how to feel about them.

So living in “Strawberry Fields” might be nice and nostalgic, it does not represent what our experience is supposed to be.  Like the saying goes “It’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.”  Live in the moment, let life sweep you away on this journey of highs, middles, and lows.  Ride that big mother of a wave like it is the best one of the set and don’t look back to see what is coming…just go for it!

Have  a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 1967 – The Beatles release “Strawberry Fields Forever.”

Don’t look so sad…a journey with death.


For my Mom: Kris Kristofferson’s For the Good Timeshttp://youtu.be/Ovb_iRWcqsc

Life is a beginning, a middle, and an end, the time frame for each of us is different.  Even when we are fully aware of the end, it is almost always still a shock to our soul.  We are not equipped to breeze through the end of our loved ones life.  No matter how much lead time we have, no matter how long we have been preparing, our minds, hearts and soul are left wanting. 

Each time that I have dealt with loss has been traumatic for more reasons than the loss itself.  My realization must than be that death brings out the worst in many people.  For reasons, sometimes obvious and sometimes not, there always seems to be more obstacles in death than there are in any other time of our lives.  Now maybe it is just me…but I don’t think it is.

As I just shared with my loving cousin this morning: Today I will just focus on the love I have in my life and smile at my sorrow. My meditations have taught me to live in the present moment as it is the only moment we truly have, yet when times like this are upon us, it is hard to follow the path of our own philosophy.

I guess that stumbling through these difficult times is the learning experience that is supposed to enrich us as human beings, I say they just suck.  None of us are perfect, our views of others are also flawed, how can we truly know someone when we are constantly learning about ourself.  If we are always changing and evolving, the best that we can hope for is that those who love us, will always love us, not always the case in life, but we can still hope!

As a teen I used to be woken up on weekends to my Mom blasting Kris Kristofferson on the record player and singing loudly with each song.  I would toss and turn in bed, wanting nothing more than a few more hours of sleep.  Finally I would have to give into that music, get up and start my day.  If you are reading this, please take a moment to listen to this song, and lovingly think about all the many ways that your parents tortured you.

Have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

…but I’m holding on…


Even until just recently, lets say less than a month ago, I would have never thought that I would ever have – let alone be making a quilt.  I just finished the blocking, and am quite pleased with the results so far.  This is no ordinary quilt, it is a Rock-n-Roll quilt made out of old concert t-shirts.  I have to say that learning how to do this has been quite easy. 

Once I get the top sewn together, that is when the hard part comes into play.  I am using an old flannel sheet for the back and have batting for the center.  For those about to ask…NO I will not be hand sewing the quilt together.  I’m not sure how ladies did this in years past, I know a lot of the time it was a social thing.  This is only a full size quilt at 59×77 inches.  That would be a lot of time to hand sew and I’m not that patient!

I only work on this a little at a time, can’t sit for too long sewing.  When I decided to do this project, I gave myself until Spring to get it done. I realize now that it won’t take nearly that long.  This is what is called a Memory Quilt.  It can be made with any t-shirts: sports shirts, music shirts, vacation shirts, your kids favorite shirts growing up…

This particular quilt is made with old school rock theme: Queen, The Stones, Styx, Van Halen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Black Sabbath.  I think my next one will be all Beatles! 

Besides teaching myself to quilt, I am also teaching myself to sketch.  Here is a picture I did yesterday…

My main objective is to learn to draw well enough that I can do some murals in my meditation room, and just for enjoyment!  So far I like Frankenstein’s Monster the best…I think I will try drawing him again soon.

Hope you have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 1981 – “The Tide Is High” (Blondie) is the #1 song in the U.S.

We all shine on…some more than others! Be a Lighthouse…



Music that makes you think and feel, reflect on  your own life and the lives of those you love.  John Lennon was and still is an artist who truly had a gift, one that keeps giving.  As we live this life that we are so generously given, it is part of our journey.  Make the most of the time you have, shine while you have the chance.  So many waste the opportunity to shine “…like the moon and the stars and the sun…” until the next phase of their journey. 

Right here, right now is the time to shine, not only for those you love, but for yourself.  That inner glow, that light that draws people to you is so special.  We all have it, we just need to ignite it and let it shine.  Do whatever it takes to let your light shine, hang your freak flag high for all to see.  Have as much fun during this life so that when you leave…it is like a shooting star streaking across the sky in all it’s beauty and awe.

Teach you children to be creative and innovative and to always learn from every experience they have to become a better person.  Give them this spark and their light will guide their life and spill over for others.  Even during difficulty, let your light shine to help you and others to endure.  Don’t be selfish with your light, share it with everyone…even strangers.  You never know when your goodness can make a change for someone else.  The smallest gesture of kindness can have the greatest impact. 

Be that person, be good to yourself, give that light freely and see how much you can impact others. May “We all shine on” forever. Peace and Love, Mama 

Today in ROCK history: 1970 – John Lennon writes and records “Instant Karma (We All Shine On).”

Rock-N-Roll Quilt…Animal Farm – Pink Floyd


On Friday I finally got in to see a Neurologist for  my migraines.  I am trying a treatment that was just approved by the FDA in the fall…so that means that if you qualify, more than 15 severe headaches per month, you can get Botox injections in nerve spots all over your head, neck and back. 

Since I have headaches nearly everyday, I am hoping that this treatment will help.   I was told that it could take up to a week before you will start to feel the advantages of the treatment.  Keeping my fingers crossed!

I recently started making all of my own products, such as: soap, lotion, lip balm, deodorant, laundry soap, shampoo and conditioner.  So far so good, I love knowing that there are not any chemicals in my items.  I love everything that I have made so far so I will continue to experiment with this new hobby.

I also decided to try to make a quilt. I have never made one before but so far it is going well.  Of course this will be a Rock -N-Roll quilt made from t-shirts.  I’ve got all my blocks cut and interface material put on the backs to give the blocks more stability, since t-shirts are rather flimsy.

I wanted to make my blocks 15 1/2 inches square.  To by a guide that size costs around $40, I went to Michael’s and bought a piece of foam board, had them cut it to size and it only cost $1.50 and I have enough left over to make another guide that will be 12 1/2 inches for future quilts!  The guide that size cost $22, I love to save money!

I will post pictures as I complete steps on the quilt, above is the layout we decided on.  Have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 1977 – Pink Floyd releases ‘Animals,’ a bleak concept album that appears to have drawn on author George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ for inspiration.



I find myself in a position that I have not been in very often in my life, I’m not working.  Now I started working when I was 15 to have spending money since my Mom did not believe in allowance.  Of course this does not include all the years I was a babysitter before I was 15. 

So now that I am home all the time, I found that I need a companion.  Our dog died over the summer and I was sure that I would not have a dog again.  It is just so hard to loose your buddy!  Now that I am home alone so much, my husband works long hours as a teacher, I decided to get another dog.  Puppies are sure cute but too much work, I wanted to adopt a grown up dog that needed a good home. 

I guess the largest dog I have ever had before was a German Shepard and that was a long time ago.  Our most recent dog, Otis, was a yellow lab.  We found a six year old Great Dane and although we have had him for just over a month, I just LOVE this big lug.  He is perfect for me as he is so mellow and doesn’t need much activity.

So to paint a picture in your mind, we live in a beautiful older home built in 1940.  Our home is 1200 sq. ft. We are both big people, I’m 5′ 10” and Mark is 6 ‘4″ and Zues is huge…he weights more than I do, he is 150lbs.  I have to laugh when we are all trying to move around the house at the same time…can you say traffic jam…

I’m so glad that we found this fellow, he is perfect!  Now I have a buddy to talk to and he follows me around like he is attached to my hip, or maybe I should say my waist.  We have always been dog people and I guess we always will be.  Have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 2005 – Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder, Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl, Queens Of The Stone Age leader Josh Homme and Beck perform at a tsunami-aid benefit concert in Los Angeles. Proceeds go to Music For Relief, an organization founded by Linkin’ Park to assist the Red Cross.

Grey skies are gonna clear up!


Today is cold, snowy and the skies are grey.  I have enough wood brought in to have a beautiful fire in the wood stove.  I’m thankful for that!  I’m currently reading two books, Frankenstein and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  It may be a snuggle on the couch and read kinda day.  Anyway…

I know that by this age, I should have everything figured out, and I do have a firm grasp on a lot of things; but I still need time on others.  It’s hard to be everything you want to be.  It’s not easy to finally decide that who you are is alright!  With all of our faults also comes all of our perfections.  We seem to always focus on the faults.

I say we try to focus on the things about ourselves that are great…on what ever we do well, and what makes us happy.  If by what ever age you are, you still have faults and things you wish you could change, just embrace whatever it is and forget about it.  We are usually our own worse critic.  Embrace everything about yourself and soon you will find that the things that you use to focus on are pretty minor in the scope  of who you are.

Make 2012 the year that you are kind to yourself, with this new-found attitude you will also find that your new focus will make others want to be more like you.  Happiness and Love, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 2000 – Sharon Osbourne resigns as the Smashing Pumpkins manager for ‘medical reasons.’ “(Frontman) Billy Corgan was making me sick,” says Osbourne, who was the group’s manager for less than four months.

Can we work it out? The Beatles say YES…


Pre-ramble: We recently adopted a 6-year-old Great Dane, his name is Zeus.  After losing our lab over the summer, we decided that we would not get another dog…it’s just so hard when they go.  We changed our minds and are sure glad we did, this guy is a hoot!  Happy New Year from Zeus and his people…as you can see he is a party dog!

On this New Year, I think back over my life and wonder…what if I had done things differently.  Not the small things, but the big things, the things that really made an impact on my life.  I guess this is a time when we reflect on the past and look toward the future.  Life is so full of change, everyday we make choices that affect us, and others.  Why is it that so many people have an aversion to change?

I would have to guess that it has a lot to do with complacency.  We get set in our ways, and it is comfortable.  Why rock the boat?  Rockin’ the boat is the spice of life.  Life can be lived in the safety of complacency, I guess many are quite happy there.  I prefer to be spontaneous and free, to live on the edge.  Now I’m not talking about extreme situations. There was a story last night about a rock climber, just watching it made me queasy.  I’m not much for heights!

I’m talking about how you think and how you act.  Everyone has their own philosophy about life, I don’t want to test the water with my foot, or jump in off a cliff…I want to glide over the surface like a wave and be the water.  I want to experience what things are like and enjoy being me!

Can we work it out?  Each of us has the ability to decide for ourself.  So, yes…We Can Work it Out.

Today in ROCK history: 1966 – We Can Work It Out (The Beatles) was a hit.

Nikki Sixx Dead or Alive: too interesting to pass up!


This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx

If you are older like me, you would have experienced SO much great music, have gone to tons of concerts, and still have a thirst for the music of your youth.  I’m not saying that I do not also like many of today’s artists, but I LOVE older music – it is a part of me.  Is that to say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?  Not at all, a prime example of that is Nikki Sixx formerly of Motley Crue. 

If you have not experienced him as an author, you need to check out his books!  Now this is not conventional reading so be prepared or pre-warned, which ever the case may be, but it is worth it.  This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx is an incredible read.  It is also a teachable lesson to everyone, which in itself is quite shocking.

Take some time to get to know yourself through exploring things that are outside of the norm for you.  This is what life is about, stretching our boundaries in order to be more compassionate humans during our lives.  It doesn’t matter how you expand your mind as long as you do, ABC, Always Be Consuming new information.  It pays off in more ways than you can imagine.  Don’t limit yourself, set yourself free on this wonderful journey called life!  Have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 1987 – Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx dies from a drug overdose. He is pronounced DOA in the ambulance before two adrenaline shots in the chest revive him. Later, he checks himself out of the hospital (ignoring medical advice) and goes home where he records an answering machine message. “Hey, it’s Nikki. I’m not home because I’m dead.” He then takes more heroin and passes out again. Good times.