Tag Archives: Meditation

Long Live the QUEEN…


I had never heard about the ancient healing art of Tibetan Cranial before last week.  This is a Mind, Body, Spirit approach to healing – or helping many pain issues.  I have found an “Apprentice” in my area who is nearing the end of her training.  I have met with her and had one session, for many people this is all they need to experience results.  In my case, she advises that we do at least 5 consecutive sessions and then see where we are.  This was without any information from me regarding my personal specifics, just knowing that I have pain issues.

The session itself was very relaxing, although the table that is used for treatment was almost unbearable.  It is a solid flat wooden table and with my injuries I had my reservations about laying there for 45 minutes.  The treatment itself started with a gentle placement of her hand placed on each wrist and ankle independently.  Then the fingers were gently placed on the top of my forehead.  She then began using here hands to ever so gently manipulate my head, neck and back.  During this treatment I was to meditate and use a mantra of my choice and she did the same. 

The time went quickly as I got into the repetitive and soothing nature of my mantra.  It wasn’t until the very end when the treatment was over that she covered my eyes and asked my to continue with my mantra that I felt the severe affects of having laid on the table for so long.  She quietly left the room for I’m guessing 10 minutes.  During the treatment I had been able to not focus on the rock hard surface that I was on, now it felt like torture to me.  I was not able to maintain my dormant position and I was unable to focus on my mantra. 

I have tried various applications of treatment from: conventional, chiropractic, acupuncture, and singing bowl sessions…I meditate and use singing bowls regularly.  I have yet to find any real relief from my chronic and severe pain issues. I look forward to trying this TC approach as it is inline with who I am.  I am definitely not looking to cover up my pain issues with prescribed medications, although I am currently doing so on a moderate level.

I look forward to a wonderful experience and have high hopes that this will be a helpful and healing time for me.  If you are interested in this 3000 year old technique I encourage you to look it up.  If you have had any experience with TC, feel free to share your experience with me; I would love to hear about it!

I hope you have a day full of wonder, Mama 

Today in ROCK history: 1981 – While touring South American soccer stadiums, Queen performs in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the largest crowds of paying fans ever to witness a concert.

Don’t look so sad…a journey with death.


For my Mom: Kris Kristofferson’s For the Good Timeshttp://youtu.be/Ovb_iRWcqsc

Life is a beginning, a middle, and an end, the time frame for each of us is different.  Even when we are fully aware of the end, it is almost always still a shock to our soul.  We are not equipped to breeze through the end of our loved ones life.  No matter how much lead time we have, no matter how long we have been preparing, our minds, hearts and soul are left wanting. 

Each time that I have dealt with loss has been traumatic for more reasons than the loss itself.  My realization must than be that death brings out the worst in many people.  For reasons, sometimes obvious and sometimes not, there always seems to be more obstacles in death than there are in any other time of our lives.  Now maybe it is just me…but I don’t think it is.

As I just shared with my loving cousin this morning: Today I will just focus on the love I have in my life and smile at my sorrow. My meditations have taught me to live in the present moment as it is the only moment we truly have, yet when times like this are upon us, it is hard to follow the path of our own philosophy.

I guess that stumbling through these difficult times is the learning experience that is supposed to enrich us as human beings, I say they just suck.  None of us are perfect, our views of others are also flawed, how can we truly know someone when we are constantly learning about ourself.  If we are always changing and evolving, the best that we can hope for is that those who love us, will always love us, not always the case in life, but we can still hope!

As a teen I used to be woken up on weekends to my Mom blasting Kris Kristofferson on the record player and singing loudly with each song.  I would toss and turn in bed, wanting nothing more than a few more hours of sleep.  Finally I would have to give into that music, get up and start my day.  If you are reading this, please take a moment to listen to this song, and lovingly think about all the many ways that your parents tortured you.

Have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

…but I’m holding on…


Even until just recently, lets say less than a month ago, I would have never thought that I would ever have – let alone be making a quilt.  I just finished the blocking, and am quite pleased with the results so far.  This is no ordinary quilt, it is a Rock-n-Roll quilt made out of old concert t-shirts.  I have to say that learning how to do this has been quite easy. 

Once I get the top sewn together, that is when the hard part comes into play.  I am using an old flannel sheet for the back and have batting for the center.  For those about to ask…NO I will not be hand sewing the quilt together.  I’m not sure how ladies did this in years past, I know a lot of the time it was a social thing.  This is only a full size quilt at 59×77 inches.  That would be a lot of time to hand sew and I’m not that patient!

I only work on this a little at a time, can’t sit for too long sewing.  When I decided to do this project, I gave myself until Spring to get it done. I realize now that it won’t take nearly that long.  This is what is called a Memory Quilt.  It can be made with any t-shirts: sports shirts, music shirts, vacation shirts, your kids favorite shirts growing up…

This particular quilt is made with old school rock theme: Queen, The Stones, Styx, Van Halen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Black Sabbath.  I think my next one will be all Beatles! 

Besides teaching myself to quilt, I am also teaching myself to sketch.  Here is a picture I did yesterday…

My main objective is to learn to draw well enough that I can do some murals in my meditation room, and just for enjoyment!  So far I like Frankenstein’s Monster the best…I think I will try drawing him again soon.

Hope you have a ROCKIN’ day, Mama

Today in ROCK history: 1981 – “The Tide Is High” (Blondie) is the #1 song in the U.S.

Under Pressure


Everybody deals with life’s ups and downs in their own unique way. Keep in mind that music soothes the savage beast… When things are not going just right – or when everything is completely falling apart, turn on some good tunes and feel the rhythm, let it soothe your soul and calm your mind. No matter what type of music you like, no matter what the world throws your way, do yourself a favor and find a way to get out from being UNDER PRESSURE. There is nothing like great music, or your favorite book, or doing some yoga, or taking a walk on a beautiful day – or whatever turns your crank, to change your mood. We choose our path, and our path can be beautiful, what path will you choose today?

Make sure you check out my ROCKIN’ custom-made DIY tops…and get your groove on!

Today in ROCK history: 1981 – The David Bowie/Queen song “Under Pressure” tops the UK charts laying the groundwork for Vanilla Ice’s one shot at fame.

Seasonal Stress


With the holidays fast approaching, we all need to take some time to slow down and relax. Don’t rush through the holidays being stressed and not enjoying the time. Remember to take some time for yourself during this busy season. Deep breathing is a great way to de-stress and feel better. 10 slow deep breaths through your nose will make a huge difference. Be in the moment and enjoy all the food, family and fun. As we get older we realize how fast time flies, so just go with the flow,  enjoy things in moderation, and treasure this time with family and friends. Use mind over matter when you are in a TRAFFIC jam, or at a long line for check out. Think good things, feel good things, say good things…good things will happen. Be the change that you wish would happen, it will pay off!

Today in ROCK history: 1971 – Traffic hits #26 in the US with ‘Welcome to the Canteen’.