Tag Archives: Pain

Long Live the QUEEN…


I had never heard about the ancient healing art of Tibetan Cranial before last week.  This is a Mind, Body, Spirit approach to healing – or helping many pain issues.  I have found an “Apprentice” in my area who is nearing the end of her training.  I have met with her and had one session, for many people this is all they need to experience results.  In my case, she advises that we do at least 5 consecutive sessions and then see where we are.  This was without any information from me regarding my personal specifics, just knowing that I have pain issues.

The session itself was very relaxing, although the table that is used for treatment was almost unbearable.  It is a solid flat wooden table and with my injuries I had my reservations about laying there for 45 minutes.  The treatment itself started with a gentle placement of her hand placed on each wrist and ankle independently.  Then the fingers were gently placed on the top of my forehead.  She then began using here hands to ever so gently manipulate my head, neck and back.  During this treatment I was to meditate and use a mantra of my choice and she did the same. 

The time went quickly as I got into the repetitive and soothing nature of my mantra.  It wasn’t until the very end when the treatment was over that she covered my eyes and asked my to continue with my mantra that I felt the severe affects of having laid on the table for so long.  She quietly left the room for I’m guessing 10 minutes.  During the treatment I had been able to not focus on the rock hard surface that I was on, now it felt like torture to me.  I was not able to maintain my dormant position and I was unable to focus on my mantra. 

I have tried various applications of treatment from: conventional, chiropractic, acupuncture, and singing bowl sessions…I meditate and use singing bowls regularly.  I have yet to find any real relief from my chronic and severe pain issues. I look forward to trying this TC approach as it is inline with who I am.  I am definitely not looking to cover up my pain issues with prescribed medications, although I am currently doing so on a moderate level.

I look forward to a wonderful experience and have high hopes that this will be a helpful and healing time for me.  If you are interested in this 3000 year old technique I encourage you to look it up.  If you have had any experience with TC, feel free to share your experience with me; I would love to hear about it!

I hope you have a day full of wonder, Mama 

Today in ROCK history: 1981 – While touring South American soccer stadiums, Queen performs in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the largest crowds of paying fans ever to witness a concert.